The black coral of the Haven was growing slowly on the starboard deck, nearly sixty meters deep. Something or someone violently pulled it off. The chronicle of the intervention of the Marevivo team of volunteers.
There was a black coral branch that needed to be saved. He had grown up, not too timidly on the starboard deck of the Haven, just beyond the point where the aft castle joins it.
Below, beside the railing, this branch was slowly developing when someone or something violently broke it off.

It could be the fault of a fishing net or line. But he could also have been a careless diver, with a violent flick of the fin or with any accidental maneuver.
Someone reported it, documenting the disaster. But something had to be done.
The news reached Marevivo, which has been working for the protection of the sea and the environment since 1985. Against pollution and illegal fishing, for the study of biodiversity, the promotion and enhancement of marine protected areas, education in schools and universities for sustainable development and raising awareness on all issues related to the sea.
Massimiliano Falleri coordinates the Sub Division of Marevivo with the aim of actively involving the world of diving in initiatives aimed at monitoring the health of the sea and preventing the mechanisms of degradation and alteration of the ecosystem. And immediately he started planning and planning an intervention to save the black coral branch.
Max immediately engaged a team of volunteers who promptly put themselves at the service of this new mission.
Sunday 24th July 2022
It was the big day. At dawn, over Genoa, a faint shower of rain seemed to give some refreshment to a day that was presumed to be torrid. The sea held up, flat enough.
But upon arrival at the port of Arenzano we immediately realized that the heat grip that was gripping our peninsula would not give us respite. On the contrary, the rain had simply contributed to, inexorably, increase the level of humidity.
And so, under the scorching sun, the team began preparations for the operation. The rebreathers, twin tanks, decompressives and underwater scooters were gradually loaded onto the Techdive dinghy, our support diving.
And then the briefing. With the help of an aluminum bracket, we had to glue the black coral on the deck of the Haven, using a special two-component glue.

11:00 am
The dinghy was ready for departure from the dock of the port of Arenzano, while the team’s volunteers were completing the preparations and pre-dive checks.
We were now moored on the spot. It was time to act.
With the help of our scooters, we quickly descended to the stern castle, where we gather to began navigation to the point. We descended and reached the place where the poor black coral branch lies, without holds, waiting for our intervention.

The operations lasted about fifteen minutes and finally the hexacoral, with its small and enchanting white tufts, was once again firmly on the wreck plates.

It was time to go back to the castle, it was time to start our long ascent.
Appointment in the fall
Now the two-component glue was starting to make its contribution, that of helping the black coral branch to weld itself back onto the deck of the Haven.
In that moment we could do nothing but wait, in the hope that no other accidental event could undermine the success of our initiative.
The appointment is for next autumn, perhaps at the beginning of October. When we will return to visit the “lady of the seas” and we will evaluate the success of our work.
The protagonists
In addition to Massimiliano Falleri, Cristina Freghieri, Stefano Bruno, Andrea Fattore, Roberto Bottini, Alessandro Ruga, Alberto Cammarota and Stefano Sibona took part in the mission.

See also